Sunday, June 24, 2018

good beginning marred by bad ending

You'd think I'd learned my lesson by now, but I still make the same mistake over and over.

Yesterday I stay at work an extra 45 minutes to help someone who had racks and racks of clothes. In the end, she buys nothing.

Then today, I do the same thing again. Only this time it's far worse.

I have a good day. Steady customers. Lots of decent sales. The store closes at 7, and about five minutes to, another associate (I'll call MInx) and I start helping a woman. We decide to split the sale.  Little do we know....

Without going into any detail, Minx and I stay until after nine. We are both hungry; I've only had an apple since breakfast. Exhausted; my fitbit tells me I've walked 21,503 steps. And anxious to get home. 

Together, Minx (who is far calmer than I through the debacle that follows) and I wrap and ring. Then re-wrap and re-ring. Then unwrap and hang. Then do a lot of other stuff that's too boring to write about. And in the end? There's zero commission to split. 

If I'd been alone, I'd be crying instead of laughing. But I really love working with Minx, and I can learn a lot from her unwavering professionalism in any situation.

I call for a VIA but it's a 19-minute wait. So I skip that and start walking to the subway, just as it starts to rain.

I am not paying attention and I trip on the curb. Luckily, I break my fall with my hands. So my face is safe, but not my knee, palms, right shoulder and right wrist.

Several people rush to my aid and I'm too embarrassed to tell them how much I hurt. But nothing is broken, and I'm grateful for their help.

I get to the subway, and hear, "The next uptown train will be arriving in 13 minutes."

I exit the subway, and find a taxi. $12. Via would have been $6.

I get home at 9:26. Have an unhealthy dinner. Take an Advil. And write this post.

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