Wednesday, May 13, 2020

6 pounds

My friend M asked me the other day, "Do you know anyone who's gained weight during quarantine?" I think the better question is, "Do you know anyone who hasn't?"

While working, I walked between 18,000 and 22,000 steps per day,  three days a week.

Most of my friends are still exercising. Some are doing it through Zoom classes. Some are walking in their apartment hallways or home gyms. Some are comfortable walking or biking outside. And some, who live on the Cape or are staying in the Hamptons, get to walk along the beach. These people I envy. 

In short, many people have found ways to get all their exercising in regardless of the challenges. I am not one of them.

In fact, my staying in good shape was basically an unintended benefit of working in retail.

And like many others, with more time and a strong desire to minimize in-store shopping, I have been cooking more. The more being superfluous.

One night I made lemon butter scallops (bought at the Saturday morning farmer's market near me). I used this recipe. I learn that scallops cook quickly and don't have to be cooked through.  And slicing them in half (like a bagel) is the perfect way to serve them. 

Another night I made a very simple and incredibly good seared tuna dish recommended by my friend Ellen. 

And then there was the duck breast I made last night.

I learn that the fat from the duck is good to save. But if you try and pour it into a small ceramic bowl when it's still hot, the bowl will completely break apart. But the duck was amazing. I used a basic recipe (served with cranberry sauce) but next time I'll try something with a fruit sauce.

Tonight is M's recipe for swordfish (with lemon, oil and fresh herbs).

I have only two criteria for anything I cook:

  • it must require little skill
  • it must include ingredients I've heard of and are easy to find

Ten years ago I lost 40 pounds on Weight Watchers. Since then, I've kept the weight off, and weigh myself every Wednesday morning.

Compared to year ago, I am up six pounds.

Not great, but not too too bad, considering.

I haven't tried on any pre-corona clothing, as I've pretty much been living in Lululemon and T-shirts. At least this way I'm reminded or what I should be doing.

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