Tuesday, May 19, 2020

police drama outside my window

A man is on the sidewalk beneath my window. He is speaking loud enough for me to clearly hear, and what I hear is, "He has a gun."

Thinking maybe I misheard him, I open my window and I hear the man clearly. He is animatedly speaking to someone, and again I hear, "They're on the way. He has a gun."

Moments later about five police cars show up. Lights blinking red. 

Out of the cars pour masked police man. The bad guys and the good guys all look alike these days.

The are running into the building directly next to mine.

As I'm watching this unfold I'm thinking, "If someone who shouldn't have a gun does, I probably shouldn't be watching from nearby." 

But life has been so boring lately, I stay rooted at my window.

An unmasked man walks by my window. I yell out, "Hey, what's going on?"

"Some guy was running around the lobby trying to shoot someone, but the doorman got the gun from him."

Next I see a man in a maintenance uniform being escorted out by the police.

I continue to question the poor man under my window.

"Who was he trying to shoot?"

"A man? A woman?"

"Was it  someone he knew?"

He doesn't know. 

Before he leaves, I can't resist adding, "You know, you really should be wearing a mask."

He smiles and agrees. When he tells me he's on his way to get one, I believe him.

The police arrived quickly and en masse. 

No one is hurt. 

It's an exciting diversion in an otherwise uneventful day of eating, reading (Educated by Tara Westover), watching TV (Normal People), and communicating with friends and family.

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