Sunday, May 10, 2020

mother's day in the current normal

For as long as I can remember, Mother's Day has either been spent with family. Or, in the past four years, working. Now, neither is an option.

I call my mother. She is, as always, upbeat and active. She will see my sister today. Yesterday, we shared a deep-belly laugh over the effort involved in the grocery shopping aftermath. My mom has this infectious laugh. Thinking about it makes me smile. It is one of her most endearing qualities. 

This past September, my sisters and I hosted a 90th birthday for her.

My mom has many friends of all ages. Of the 40 people invited, only two were unable to come. It's a testimony to my mother how everyone wanted to be a part of her celebration.

I call some friends to wish them a Happy Mother's Day. I know many great mothers. And all of us are so grateful to be lucky enough to have that title.

Around noon Alexander calls. "Open your email," he tells me. I do. And there is the perfect Mother's Day gift (printed below with my son's permission)..

Dear Mom,

You have always been such an amazing influence in my life.  Whether it came to helping me get the best possible education, forcibly putting me on your Weight Watchers diet along with you, or taking out a 30-year mortgage on a rug to brighten up the living room, your sacrifices have always had a profound influence on my life – and in the case of the rug, will continue to impact me long after you’re gone.  It is unfortunate that this lockdown has robbed us of time that we could be spending together over the last few months, as I always have so much fun with you.  Your taste in movies is generally pretty similar to mine, and I know that we will generally enjoy the same ones – except in the case of “Uncut Gems.”  Watching football with you is also always a joy, whether it comes to rooting for Mahomes or explaining for the millionth time what a first down is, you always make Sundays a bit more interesting.  While you’re caring, thoughtful, and incredibly loyal, perhaps your best trait is your sense of humor.  I know that no matter where we go or what we do, there will always be plenty of laughs to be had.  I’m sorry that I cannot spend Mother’s Day with you, but I hope that you have a beautiful day.  I love you.

I am one lucky lady. A great mom. And a great son.

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