Monday, August 3, 2020

stating the obvious

Some things are harder to understand than most, and some are impossible.

Like for instance, this.

In March and April when NY was losing 800 plus lives a day to COVID-19, Governor Cuomo held a press briefing every single day, most at 11:30.

It became must-see TV.

And every day he would repeat the same message. Over and over.

Wear a mask.

Socially distance.

And remarkably, people across the state listened.

And the numbers by which success is judged started to fall.

NY flattened the curve.

And today, the numbers are still remarkably low. Only three deaths from COVID-19 reported on Sunday.

And unlike most other places, even after re-opening, NY continues to show progress.

From the beginning, Cuomo advised other states. "What New York is going through now, you will be going through later."

So why didn't other states listen?

Why didn't our President demand that the measures taken in NY be followed in other states?

The answer is a simple one.

Our President is incompetent and there are lots of stupid people.

When the solution to prevention is as simple as wearing a mask and maintaining the proper social distance, it amazes me that so many people flat out refuse to do it.

I know I'm stating the obvious.

But watching Cuomo's press briefing today made me wish that he had a clone in every state.

Or at least those states that don't have a Baker or a Murphy.


  1. Lyn - your statements are RIGHT ON. We have a fool in the highest office of the land and we have somewhere around 45% of Americans who may actually be as stupid as he is.

  2. I keep debating with myself as to whether he is stupid or just plain evil and sugar coats things to make people think they are not so bad. I think he was counting on CoVid raging in the big cities of the blue states and his base remaining uninfected so he plain didn't care. I think he is ignorant more than he is stupid but I think a lot of people in the U.S are just plain dumb. Illinois is blue because of the Chicago metro area but the rest of the state is pretty red and CoVid numbers are going up but mostly outside the metro area. Google the White Trash Bash held outside Peoria weekend attended by over non mask wearing people and local police comments about how well they all behaved. NY's numbers are a tribute to the people there and your wonderful governor.

  3. The orange tyrant in the White House is ignorant, narcissistic, uncaring, and pure evil! It is scary to see that there are still so many who still support him, but they have to be people who only watch FOX News, also pure evil!
