Tuesday, August 25, 2020

the results are in

I decide to get a COVID test.  

Saturday, as it turns out, is a good day for testing at Metropolitan Hospital — a hospital I had previously never heard of.

I arrive, and only two other people are there to be tested. And, there are more than enough, appropriately-suited staff to help.

While I'm there, I am told that if I want, I can also have the antibody test. Though I doubt I have any anti-bodies, I decide to get the test anyway. It's a simple blood test with results that day.

After all the intake forms are completed, I'm shown into a small curtained-off room. The slightly uncomfortable-but -quick nasal swab (both nostrils) and blood test are completed in minutes.  

A few hours later, I get the results from the antibody test. Negative.

The COVID results take longer.

In the meantime, my friend Zelia goes yesterday;  she gets her results today. I got tested two days before Zelia (same place) and am still waiting.

I call to follow up. I am re-connected three times until I finally reach some guy who is clearly working from home. I hear his kids in the background clearer than I hear him;  I think he may be home and underwater.

Basically, he knows nothing more than I know and it's a waste of a call.

I hang up, and an hour later I get an email with my results (totally unrelated to my phone call).

As expected, but still good to hear — negative.

Looking like I may visit my mom after all. She, by the way, also tested negative.