Friday, December 29, 2023

a bit of culture

I adore NY.

Its energy. Its people. Its endless list of things to do.

Yet lately I've been enjoying doing a lot of nothing.

I like staying in. Having friends over. Watching movies (I'm a voting member of BAFTA so I have all 234 BAFTA-eligible films available to watch). 

For the past week and a half, I've been on vacation. And sure, I've seen the holiday decorations in midtown. Been to a couple of great restaurants (most notably The Supper Club, a newly opened restaurant that's a French Bakery by day).  Even ventured outside my UES neighborhood a few times (all within Manhattan though). 

But I'm feeling a bit guilty. I should be doing more outside my home. My apartment is overly organized, down to washing all my makeup brushes with some small inexpensive electric spinner I bought on Amazon a few years back). And my drawers and closets are all neatly arranged.

Jill is coming over later this afternoon to watch a movie. And while I'd prefer to do more stay-at-home-stuff today (I can always find something to do), I force myself to do something cultural.

I walk to the Jewish Museum on upper Fifth to see the ChloĆ© exhibit. it's 55 degrees out and jackets are optional — certainly not the December-weather I like.

I'm glad I go. Some of the clothes on display from decades ago would still be fashionable today. It was an Egyptian-born Jewish women (Gaby Aghion) who started ChloĆ© in the early 50's in Paris.

She chose the name because she liked the sound of it (she had a friend with that name), and also liked its curved, feminine letters.

Learning something new makes it worth the trip. I guess.

Though if I had stayed home, I would have completed organizing all my 2023 photos in an Apple photo book.


  1. You inspire me to get out more!!! Thank you

  2. You made it to the Chloe exhibit!

  3. I saw your Yelp review of The Supper Club. Is it comfortable/cozy? (p.s. You remind me of Gaby.) ❤️❤️
