Tuesday, December 26, 2023

really, madam post office worker

Every couple of weeks or so I go to my local Post Office to mail off a few packages for work. 

I was there recently and also needed to mail a simple letter. You know. The kind that goes in a regular envelope with a stamp on it. Something I rarely do anymore.

I go up to the window with my seven small work packages that need to be weighed. The I-hate-people and I can't wait to retire (I know this because she tells me) post office worker leisurely weighs each package and I electronically sign something that says these packages contain no liquid or hazardous materials. All good so far.

Next I hand her a regular letter, already stamped, to put in the bin behind her. "You can mail this over there," she says, pointing to a large mailbox near the front of the Post Office.

"Can't you take it?" I ask. Not quite understanding.

"No," she responds. "I can't be responsible."


She goes on to qualify. "I can't be held responsible if the letter doesn't arrive."

I can't imagine a scenario where I'd go back to the PO. Remember the person that took my letter. Then say to them, "Hey. It's your fault. I was here a few weeks ago and my friend never received the letter I sent her. You took it, so I'm holding you liable."


I mean after all, I am simply trying to mail a letter at the friggin' Post Office.

Imagine if everyone had this work ethic.

Would the deli guy not make my sandwich for fear of my blaming him if the cheese gave me a stomachache?

Would my building's handyman not change my ceiling lightbulb for fear his family would blame me if, in the very unlikely event, he got electrocuted?

And what about the very nice man who delivers my mail six days a week? Maybe he should stop delivering it altogether because I might blame him if my Jenni Kayne catalogue doesn't arrive.

Most of my mail I do electronically. I just wish it were all of it.


  1. She was just hassling you
    Don’t take the bait
    Walk over and put your letter in the mailbox
    Don’t expect customer service from the post office or even a smile

  2. It’s not just the postal workers. Most workers in the U.S. have a lousy work ethic. My attitude is that I expect the worse and if I am pleasantly surprised, I am happy. As I tell M. “Most people suck”!

  3. Should have called her bluff, I would have asked to speak to her supervisor and ask them if the clerk was correct in refusing to take your letter. That clerk needs to be removed from window service and put back to case mail away from people.
    Retired postal supervisor.
