Saturday, December 2, 2023

tis the season

Today I get to spend time with two people I truly adore, and don't see often enough.

I met Terri the same summer I met Eric. 1989. Together we've gone through a lot. Both of us have raised sons by ourselves. And both us have many wild stories to tell. 

A few years ago Terri moved to Florida but we still remain close friends. When we speak or see each other, we pick right up with no time lost. We both know we'll always be in each others' lives regardless of geography.

A couple of hours over bagels and lox goes by too quickly. And I love that within minutes of her arriving we are deep in perssonal stories, the good and the bad, with no filters on either. 

Later, I meet up with Lisa on the steps of St. Patrick's. 

The city is chaotic.

Since we are right there. I stop by Saks, a place I haven't been in since leaving four years ago. Two close co-workers are working, and it's a nice mini-reunion. I don't miss the place, but do miss a few of the people.

Lisa and I hang out in the rooftop Ski Lodge.. yup, upstairs at Saks. It feels nothing like the big deaprtment store one floor down. From there, we get a decent view of The Tree and the skaters beneath.

We end up having dinner at Madison and Vine. 

Then home through a still-busy Grand Central, close to 11pm.

And back to my quiet UES street, just minutes from the pulse of the city.

1 comment:

  1. I have to check out Ski Lodge—what an amazing view of the tree!
