Tuesday, October 8, 2013

pleasant ride

Gorgeous fall day.  8:10am.  I board the crosstown bus.

Standing room only.  The bus driver has blocked the pay box.  I’m not sure if it’s broken, she’s doing it to speed up passenger entry, or she’s in a good mood and wants to please her riders.

The driver has a deep melodious voice.  “Keep moving to the back.  This is going to be a very filled bus,” she announces.  We all obey.  Every seat is taken and every bit of available floor space is covered with feet.

We approach a stop.   The bus driver calls out, “Since no one has pushed the stop request button, I assume no one wants to get off.  So I’m going to skip this stop.  I think there are enough passengers on this bus already. What do you think,” she asks.  Not used to being spoken to by the bus driver, no one responds.   “Hey.  Am I the only one alive on this bus?” she calls out.

A lot of faces light up with smiles.  It’s a nice way to start the day.

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