Saturday, April 4, 2020

latest fashion trend

Now that I have a coveted N95, I feel too guilty to wear it. But I can't give it away, since I've already practiced putting it on.

Mayor de Blasio recently recommended that everyone now wear face coverings in public. 

Someday I will leave home, and when that day comes,  I want to be prepared.

I am constantly googling odd things — things I've never before had an interest in. 

Today I google, "DYI face mask without sewing." It turns out that making one is actually pretty easy

So I've been experimenting.

I no longer have any bandanas around. And my scarves are too long. 

I try and use a small cotton bag that contained once-new Matteo (my favorite) sheets. It's easy enough to make, using only rubber bands, but (1) I can barely breathe in it, (2) no one will understand me if I try to speak, and (3) it looks absurd, even in a world that has become absurd. I would rather stay in my apartment than wear something outside that looks like a diaper on my mouth.

Next I try making one from a paper towel. This looks better, but provides zero protection.

I next try making one from a t-shirt. It's the easiest to make but the most extreme to wear.

This indoor-use version is meant only for my lobby or trash area.

So I go on Amazon and purchase 12, 100% cotton bandanas for $12.99. They are not expected to arrive for a few weeks. 

Maybe by then I'll be venturing outside.


Two days after writing this, I read an article that says bandanas provide very little protection, but cotton flannel is good. I cancel my order, and remember an old pair of pajama bottoms that had been in a bag full of clothes waiting to be donated. I cut them up, add two elastics, and voila. 

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