Wednesday, April 1, 2020

so busy on day #9 of quarantine

Get out of bed. I'm getting up later these days. My body must know it'll be another day of doing nothing.

Make some drip coffee. I don't use Keurig anymore.

Watch the TODAY show (I record it every day so I can watch it when I get up... whenever that is). The news is mostly bad. Go on my computer. Write some emails. Answer some emails. Make some calls. Get some calls. Write some texts. Get some texts. Nothing much new anywhere. 

Try every few minutes to see if a slot has opened on Fresh Direct. Third day trying and still no luck. This activity continues throughout the day.

I did have an appointment with DMV for my new real license at 10am today. My list for what I'm going to do after this is all over continues to grow.

Shower. Wash my hair, and let it dry.

Use a ceramic hair straightening brush called Dafni that I've had in its box, unopened, for about 3 years. Decide to finally try it. Reminds me of ironing my hair in high school. Conclusion: Easy to use. Results as promised. Stick-straight hair looks awful on me.

Clean my toilet bowl with my favorite, recently-discovered household product. Clorox Toilet Wand with disposal head, though it's probably not good for the environment. 

Put on a small amount of makeup, but still more than I have in the past 9 days. Need to look ok for a ZOOM meeting later today. These are two of my favorite non-makeups: un-cover up by RMS and ColorScience Brightening Primer.

Speak to my friend Don S. who lives in Arizona; the last time we spoke was over a year ago. We lived together after college. We were once madly in love, the way 20-somethings can be. It was a volatile, passionate and exciting relationship. We both laughed and fought a lot. He even bought me a dog; we named her Jessie. She was sweet but stupid and I didn't train her well (the source of many fights).

2pm- 2:30pm
Make lunch. It's a more sophisticated production than usual: multi-grain English Muffin, small heirloom tomatoes, and manchego cheese. So good. But I burn my left index finger removing my sandwich from the toaster oven. Nothing serious, just a bit painful.

Read more of my book, Saint X; am 57% done and not sure yet how I'd rate it. it's exceptionally well-written, but it's one of those books where you have to get to the end to know if you really liked it.

2:30- 3:15pm
Play a few games on (love this site).

Play some WWF.

Add to my Fresh Direct order. Some things have fallen off (since I started  this order on Monday). Still trying unsuccessfully to get a free slot for delivery.

3:15 to 4:45pm
Play Virtual Canasta Game with friends Ellen, Shari T and Shari A. Many laughs and a major loss.


Attend a 9-person cocktail party with BAFTA friends. Despite the rule of not discussing "The Thing," as Lisa noted in the invitation, we can't totally ignore it. But most of the talk is positive, and it 's really great "seeing" everyone.

Catch up on the day's distressing news with Lester Holt.

Join other New Yorkers from all over the city who, at 7pm, open their windows and shout, bang, and clap. It's a small way of saying thank you to all those people who are putting themselves at risk so that we can remain safe. it also reminds us that we are not alone. 

Eat dinner... half of the amazing chicken pot pie I bought last week (and then froze) from Butterfields. 

More reading.

Write this blog post.

Check Fresh Direct for for an open delivery slot. Still none.

Watch mindless TV. 

So much to do.  Even while sheltered in place.

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