Friday, April 17, 2020

spring in Central Park, 2020

Yesterday, before starting a virtual canasta game, Ellen texts us a picture of Central Park. 

"Have any of you been in the park lately?" she asks. 

Zelia hasn't left her house in weeks, so her answer is no.

Shari A has been in the Hamptons for about a month now, so her answer is also no.

And I've barely been out at all in weeks, so I answer no also

But Ellen's picture is enticing. I decide that when our game ends, I will go to the park.

I suit up. Keys. A small bottle of Purell. A mask. And my Nikon. I'm ready.

At any other time I'd look ridiculous. But now I look like everyone else walking around Manhattan. To say wearing a mask is not comfortable would be a huge understatement.

It's brisk out but within a few blocks I'm hot. So hot that my glasses start to fog up, making the mask even more annoying than it already is. But it's not even a choice anymore. Face coverings are now mandatory in New York.

Ellen is right. The park is gorgeous. Slowing down the economy has had a positive effect on the environment. 

Spring has arrived.

But this is a spring like none before it. 

All the playgrounds are closed.

New signs have been added.

And a makeshift hospital has been erected — right in the middle of Central Park.

New York is magnificent.  

But it won't be the city's beauty that will be remembered when recalling the spring of 2020.


  1. So beautiful...and happy that you ventured outside to enjoy the beauty.
