Sunday, April 12, 2020

what I now buy

I get a Groupon advertising Nitrile gloves. In a trillion years I would never have thought that this Groupon would interest me. But these are different times.

This Groupon leads me to a multi-hour Google search for disposable nitrile gloves. This is what happens when you have a lot of time. 

(Okay, being totally honest, I love spending time researching the perfect whatever. And I am so good at it. I wish there were a job for this kind of obscure talent).

I talk to my friend Zelia, who just bought a box of nitrile gloves on Amazon. And, they arrived in days, she tells me. "Send me the link," I say. 

I open the link and the ones remaining are "open-box." In this new age of sterility, open box  doesn't sound like a good idea.

I finally find some. Halloween orange. Delivery is promised within two weeks. I am so excited. I immediately buy the size Medium, the last box in that size. And today, one day later, none are available. 

I check and mine have shipped. Expected to arrive on Friday. I'm so lucky. 
I get an email the other day from my favorite place to buy sheets, Matteo LA. The company is now selling masks. Smart. I cancel another order I had previously made for a washable silk mask as it hasn't shipped yet, and order 5 cotton Matteo masks. 

I buy small essentials where the shipping cost may approach the cost of the item itself. But as a friend recently said, "Who's looking at that now? If you can find what you need, and it can arrive pretty quickly, get it."

It's all part of the new normal we are currently living. 

Can't begin to imagine what the new normal will be six months from now.

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