Wednesday, August 30, 2017

lunch with the girls

Lyn (yes, spelled the same way), Jill and I used to work together in the late 80's at CBS.

At the time, what we did was pretty revolutionary. We created and sold added-value promotions to big network advertisers. Now of course everyone does this, but at the time, it was a novel approach to packaging and selling media.

Our department eventually disbanded. The network was looking to reduce costs, and our small department was cut. But our many intense meetings were always laced with laughter, and we all left the network feeling good about what we'd accomplished and the relationships we'd built. Plus our severance packages were more than fair.

Lyn, our faithful leader, later became our friend. Today we get together for lunch — in Dumbo, where Jill lives.

We meet at Westville, my favorite little place in the West Village, that just recently opened in Dumbo. The one in Brooklyn is a lot better — bigger, nicer tables, modern lighting, outdoor seating, and most importantly, a real bathroom that doesn't require a traipse through the kitchen to reach.

We order inside.

Then take our food outdoors. It's a spectacular early fall-like day.

Our conversation, no longer about which advertiser is a likely to buy whatever we're selling, we talk about politics, technology, and kids: we each have one.

A few hours after I get home, Jill emails me with the subject line:

today was lyns birthday and she didn't say a freaking word

Apparently some people had remembered and posted on Facebook.

Such a missed opportunity. Fun as it was, our lunch could have been a celebration of our friend. Birthdays are special and should be acknowledged.

So happy birthday Lyn.  Now I know and next year I'll remember.

Still,  glad we all got to be together, laughing (and metaphorically crying) at the inanities of life.

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