Monday, August 28, 2017

switch on hold

So I'm on the Cape. Riding around with M, Harrison and Tobey. And I can't get a signal.

Meanwhile, Harrison and Tobey are having no problems at all.

I check my settings. I am doing nothing wrong. I have an old iPhone 5S. Could it be that?

No, I'm told. "Who's your carrier?" asks Harrison.

AT&T.  "What? You of all people? I can't believe you don't have Verizon?" says M.

That's  it. Decision made. When I get home I'm switching.

So now I'm home. I call Verizon. Get all the info I need from a lovely woman named Bernadette. She's from Utah. Even that's nice. Seems like every time I call AT&T I get someone from a foreign country who's English I can barely follow. Bernadette reviews several plan options. When I call back, I tell her I'll get the $130/month Unlimited.

I next call Alexander to get some info off his phone that I'll need to make the switch. His first response, per usual, is, "Does it really have to be now? I'm in the middle of something?" He's always in the middle of something when I call.

"Yes, it does, and it'll only take a second." He finds what I need and then apologizes, as it really does take only a second (well, maybe a minute).

I next call AT&T and the first person I speak to (from the Philippines) disconnects me when transferring me to another department. (Another confirmation on how right my decision is to switch). I call back and the next person I speak to is very helpful and tells me my next bill close date will be September 1st. Perfect. I'll start September 1st with Verizon. No cancellation fees. And no partial and full month charges (hate those). 

I then call back Verizon and speak to the sweetly-accented Keith in South Carolina. I'm feeling good about the switch. I like my new family.

I tell Keith what I need. Mention that Bernadette offered to waive the $30/per phone activation fee. And then Keith says, "But first, I need to do a credit check. It'll only take a few minutes if you don't mind waiting." I don't. 

A few minutes later I'm deep into the process. I pick my 4-digit code. Give Keith my name, address, and other personal info. And then Keith asks about our phones. "Oh, we don't owe anything on them. My son has the iPhone 6-S and I have an old 5-S (as I've been waiting for the 8's to come out this fall)." 

There's a pause and then Keith says, "Only the 6's and 6-S's are cross-carriers." Huh???" I don't know what he's talking about but it doesn't sound good.

Keith continues. "You can only switch to Verizon if your phones are either a 6 or 6-S. Otherwise you'll have to buy a new phone now to switch."  And then what? Get the 8 a few months later? 

I guess since I'm not expecting to be on the Cape for another year, I'll stay with AT&T awhile longer.

But really, what a waste of a morning!

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