Thursday, April 25, 2013

interpreting my nike fuelband

Two months ago I bought a Nike FuelBand.  I wear it everyday, hoping it will motivate me to move.  Often it does.

The band is pre-set to the lowest activity level, which is 2,000 fuel points.  Nike calls this an average level of activity.  I don’t know exactly what this means but I know I am below average often, and it is not in my character to remain there.

So I try to give definition to my under-performing self. 

Like yesterday, I do a lot of walking today.  And like yesterday, I hit goal (love seeing all the lights on my FuelBand blinking).  By the end of the day, I've taken 9,827 steps and earned 2,425 fuel points.  Great.  But how does this translate?  

As I’m walking up Madison, I calculate the number of steps I take per block, about 100.   Since 20 blocks equal a mile, I average about 2,000 steps per mile.  I could have simplified this whole exercise by checking on the internet, but it gives me satisfaction to determine this on my own.  The internet does confirm my findings.  Oh, I feel so smart.  So above average.

Doing some math, I figure I walked about 4.9 miles today.  And doing more math (algebra was my favorite math), I figure that 2,000 fuel points equals 8,104 steps, which equals 4.1 miles.   This seems ambitious to me, not average.  

I check the Nike website where it describes use of the FuelBand in three easy steps:

  1. SET A GOAL. (Done; 2,000 fuel points which is about 4.1 miles).
  2. SEE YOUR PROGRESS. (I have downloaded the app, but haven’t begun syncing).
  3. TELL THE WORLD; SHARE YOUR ACTIVITY THROUGH FACEBOOK AND TWITTER.  (You’ve got to be kidding.  Who would do that everyday?)

  Right now, I am aspiring to be just average.

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