Thursday, June 7, 2012

advice from a friend

Meredith is wise.  She’s a very close friend and frequently, often unknowingly, offers advice that is helpful to daily living.  Today we are talking and she tells me something that a friend once told her.  “You shouldn’t share information about yourself unless you are ready for someone else’s opinion.” 

Today I email the link to this blog to a few friends.  I ask for their thoughts.  I tell them I care what they think.  I get some very nice emails back.  I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy.  Some of the notes are truly heartwarming. 

And then I get a call.  We chitchat about life but before we hang up my friend says,  “Oh, by the way, you asked for feedback about your blog.  I read it.  It really doesn’t do anything for me.”  I’m taken aback.  Yes, I’ve asked for input, but I was thinking it would be more along the lines of, “I think the lettering in NYCDiarist is too big,” or “There’s too much blue going on,” or, as someone suggested, “I think you need a more focused theme.” 

It doesn’t do much for me was something I just didn’t expect.  But I did ask.  I guess I wasn’t ready for such an honest response.

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