Monday, June 23, 2014

a walk after dark

I am close to my goal of 10,000 steps.  It’s about nine, and we’ve just finished dinner. I say to Alexander, “I'll be back soon.  I’m just going for a short walk.”

And then he begins:

“I really don’t think you should be going out so late.”

“Okay, but call me at every block.”

“Do you have your phone?”

“Is it charged?”

“Be sure it’s on.”

“And don’t wear your headphones when you’re out walking.”

“Maybe you should call Robyn and walk with her.  It’ll be safer that way.”

“If I text you, I want you to text me right back.”

“Just walk on the major avenues.”

"Are you walking on First, Second or Third?"

"Walk up Third, I think that'll be the busiest." 

“Don’t walk down any of the streets.  They’re too dark.”

“If you walk too far, just take a cab home.”

“What time will you be in?”

“Don’t be too late.”

“You know I can’t fall asleep when you’re out, and I need to get up early.”

“Come kiss me good-night if I’m in bed when you come home.”

Okay.  Okay.  I get it.  But that doesn’t mean I’ll change.

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