Monday, June 16, 2014

living outside camelot

I watch the news and hear the story of a school shooting.  Or a drunk driver hitting a pedestrian. Or a soldier killed in friendly-fire.  I think of the families left behind.  The ones who woke up that morning, and were going about their days when they heard the news.  News that would define their lives forevermore as life before and life after.
Most of us are fortunate in that we never have to face that kind of tragedy.  Our lives are filled with smaller misfortunes.  Some bigger than others. The lost job. The break-up of a marriage.  The child who doesn’t make the team.  An impossible boss.  A burnt dinner.  Some days are better than others, and even most bad days are manageable.
But even still.  Unexpected bad news can stop your day.  Cause you to reflect or take action.  Question your own contribution to the news.  And make you wonder about luck.
I am an optimist, and basically believe we are the makers of our own destiny. 
Yet there are some close to me who really seem to live in a world of only blue skies.  They are more than comfortable financially.  Have great health. Well-behaved successful children.  Good marriages.  Beautiful owned homes. And generally happy lives.  I don’t begrudge them.
I just wish I had a little of their luck.

But then I think, I do.


  1. The grass is always greener....

  2. Lyn, it is not a matter of "luck". You have been blessed with intelligence, health, the love of a family, and beauty. You have all the raw materials to make something happen for yourself.

    1. Whoever you are...thank you for your kind words, and you are right.
