Friday, March 29, 2013

spring fever, sort of

Yesterday I awoke with a scratchy throat, watery eyes, stuffy nose, and a clogged head.  Is it allergies (which I don’t think I’ve ever had but the pollen levels are high) or is it just an iirritating cold?  I have no idea and not sure it even matters.

I have Sudafed Day in my house, but it’s for cold and flu.  I definitely don’t have the flu and am not sure if I even have a cold.  I go to my local pharmacy and buy Claritin-D 24 hours.  I pay the exhorbitant reduced price of $16.79 (for 10 pills), and show a picture ID.

I look at the ads.  The handsome spokesman promises that Claritin-D will reduce my congestion, and start to work in just 30 minutes.

I pop a pill, expecting miraculous relief.  It’s been about an hour and I see little difference.

Two hours later:  Nose more runny, less congested.  Head a tiny bit less heavy.  Throat a bit less scratchy.  Overall, though, still feeling yucky and tired.

Go to 16 Handles for a late lunch.  Haven’t been in ages.  The sorbet yogurt provides immediate relief to my scratchy throat while also satisfying my growling stomach.  It works faster and better than the Claritin-D and costs a lot less — just a shame it doesn't work for 24-hours.

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