Saturday, July 6, 2013

a chilling movie for a hot day

Another heat wave.  G-d I hate this weather.  Zelia, my friend from Brazil, can’t believe I like, not just prefer, cold weather.  Snowy.  Windy.  Temperatures below freezing.  Perfect.  You can always dress warm and warmer.  But there is a limit on how far one can de-layer.  Light-colored-skimpy clothing is no defense against 90 plus heat.

For the past few days, going outside has been miserable.  It’s exhausting to move in such stagnant, blistering heat.  Still, I want to do something with Alexander today.  We decide we'll have dinner in the village, and stay in during the day to watch a movie.

So we begin our search through Netflix.   It's so much easier than the days of going to the video store.  Alexander likes big shoot-em up explosion type capers. I don’t.   We go to the category called Psychological Thrillers and discover a 2003 movie neither of us has seen, or even heard of. It’s called Identity and stars John Cusack, Ray Liotta, and Amanda Peet.  IMDB has given it a rating of 7.2  We watch it and love it.  Roger Ebert says it best:

I've seen a lot of movies that are intriguing for the first two acts and then go on autopilot with a formula ending. "Identity" is a rarity, a movie that seems to be on autopilot for the first two acts and then reveals that it was not, with a third act that causes us to rethink everything that has gone before. Ingenious, how simple and yet how devious the solution is.

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