Wednesday, July 3, 2013

weight-watchers after one week

First, a basic lesson in WW math.

*    I am allotted 26 points a day and 49 bonus points a week. 
*    Bonus points can be used at one sitting or spread throughout the week. 
*    Unused points don’t carryover to the next day; unused bonus points don’t carry over to the next week.
*    Every food is assigned points except for fruits and vegetables.  These are free foods — zero points.

I “track” every single thing I eat.   If I follow the plan and stay within my points, I should lose weight.

I go through the first week proud of myself.  I am good at following rules.

I stay within my 26 points a day and don’t even use all my bonus points.  I weigh foods on my little scale to account exactly for their weight.  I overestimate points when I am not sure of a food’s value. I eat fruit when I’m hungry.  No more cashews for an afternoon snack.  I  even skip the tiny cheese sample they are offering at Agata.

I go today and weigh in.  I see a familiar face at weigh-in.  Robin.  She was the leader when I left, and is still here.  She was not here last week.  She gives me a big welcoming smile, and with her characteristically positive attitude says, “Wow.  Fantastic.  You’re down 1.6 pounds.”  Robin’s enthusiasm is genuine; she acts as if the weight loss is on her frame, not mine.

And then she says, “You know, you shouldn’t be paying at all.  You are still within two pounds of your lifetime goal weight of 128.”  I had no idea. 

I’m happy Robin’s back.  I’m happy not to be paying.  And I’m happy I lost 1.6 pounds.  Today is a good day.

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