Tuesday, July 30, 2013

encounter on a bus

I am on an uptown bus when this guy gets on.  He’s a step above a homeless person.  Mid-to late 40’s.  Unattractively dressed.  He’s playing his music without the benefit of headphones.  His iPhone has replaced what used to be a boombox, but the effect is the same.  Loud thumping music.

I say nothing but hope my stares convey what my lips don’t. 

I am reading the paper and as I finish each section, I place it next to me, intending to take the read-sections with me when I leave the bus.  Between articles, I turn around and give the loud-music listening person a stare.  He doesn’t notice, but the person sitting across from me does.

This person looks like a messy version of Lou Reed.  He is sitting sideways taking up two seats.  He sees me staring at the music-listener and says to me, “Hey, what’s your problem?”  I respond, “I don’t see why we all have to listen to someone else’s music?”  “Give it break,” he says.  Then adds, “Besides.  You have nothing to complain about.  At least he’s not littering.”  “Excuse me?” I reply indignantly.  “Ya, I saw you.  Hiding that newspaper next to you.   I know you plan on leaving it when you get off the bus.”

And before I have a chance to reply, I hear it.  Alexander’s voice saying, “Mom, stop it.  Don’t get into an argument with this guy.  It’s not worth it.” 

I collect my newspaper and get off at my stop without saying a word.  Alexander would be proud.

1 comment:

  1. and now you've probably thought of a hundred good things you could have said to that guy..lol!!!
