Wednesday, September 25, 2013

a little discovery

Vivien was my best friend through high school (and is still a very close friend).

When we graduated, I thought I knew everything there was to know about her.  So I was surprised, rather shocked, when she told me she had been sleeping with her boyfriend for the past two years. How did I not know this?  And worse, who else knew?

Recently my nephew told me about a new Upper East Side restaurant he ate at called The East Pole.  It opened this summer and I had never even heard of it.  Oh how I hate when this happens. 

So with some trepidation, I write of today’s discovery — hoping it’s not something the whole world has known about except me.

I type much faster on my computer than I do on my phone.  Alexander reads his texts throughout the day.  He rarely looks at his emails.  So I wondered…can you email a text?  And guess what?  You can. You just need to know the service provider’s address affix.

For example, to email a text to my son who uses AT&T, I email him at:

If he used Verizon, it’d be (for text only messages).

That’s it.  My little tech discovery of the day. 

I hope those reading this think, “Hey, that's pretty cool,” and not, “You gotta be kidding?  She’s just finding this out now?” 

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