Friday, May 10, 2013

house rules

A good friend asks me the other day, “How do you feel about Alexander coming home next week?”  My immediate and truthful answer is,  “I can’t wait.” I haven’t seen my son since March, when he returned to school.  I am looking forward to dinners out, watching TV in, laughing together (he is very funny), and trips to the beach.  I will put my arms around him and welcome him home. I will be thrilled to have him back.

But my feelings are a little mixed.   Because along with all the good, there’s the not so good:

Adapting to a ton of new stuff being added to a small apartment.
Worrying when my son is out late; I can’t peacefully go to asleep until he’s home.
Spending lots more money.
Absorbing any stress my son may have.
Having a less than clean and less than neat apartment, most of the time.

So I make a list of House Rules.  I know this might sound obnoxious, but I’m hoping they will be observed, and at least one of us will be happier.


*    We both live here; we both have bedrooms; and we both share the living room.  No more telling me to leave the living room because you want the space for yourself.

*    Make your bed every morning.

*    All your stuff belongs in your room; otherwise it will disappear (I am serious).

*    All water bottles, dishes, and other stuff should not be left overnight in any place other than the kitchen.

*    When you use up the soap in the bathroom, refill the dispenser without my asking you to.  Same goes for toilet paper, paper towels, and Poland Spring water cooler.

*    Do not return water bottles with less than an inch of water to the refrigerator; finish it and/or throw it out.

*    Put your computer away in your bedroom before going to sleep.  It doesn’t belong precariously balanced on the arm of the sofa.

*    After week one of being home, no sleeping after 12pm.  It’s irritating.

*    Put your clothes IN the laundry basket, not on top of it.

*    No yelling for any reason other than you are hurt.  No exceptions.

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